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SAP Business One Developer
Nr referencyjny: 10342
Description of the candidate
- The candidate has over seven years of experience in the SAP B1 system, acquired while working in IT companies, including four years of experience in the role of SAP Business One developer
- Experience in developing and consulting solutions for SAP Business One using SDK and SAP Business One Integration Framework
- Programming skills in .ASP.NET/ASP.NET Core apps
- Experience in implementing WEB applications
- Opened to remote or hybrid work
- Financial expectations: 13 000 PLN – 15 000 PLN net + VAT (B2B)
- SAP Business One
- .NET
- C#
- .NET Framework
- SAP AddOns
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Crystal Reports
Znajomość języków
- English level B2/C1
Lata doświadczenia: 7
Dostępność: Month
Lokalizacja: Poland


Wynagrodzenie (mies./netto)
13000 ‒ 15000
Umowa B2B

Hybryda, Zdalnie 100%
SAP Business One
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